Community Services

Matching Grant Program

YCI’s Matching Grant Program helps refugees, asylees, Cuban/Haitian humanitarian parolees, and certified victims of trafficking achieve early self-sufficiency. This is accomplished through a combination of financial support, intensive case management, intensive job search, activities, English language training and other assistance provided to those who are eligible.

This program requires a “match” from local communities and businesses through in-kind donations, volunteer time, and cash to match the federal government’s contribution. Every dollar received in cash, in-kind donations or volunteer time generates two dollars in federal matching resources. These resources are then used to provide newly arrived program participants with clothing, food, housing, or other needs newcomers may have during the first 240 days upon arrival in the U.S.

Matching Grant services are available for newly arrived refugees between the ages of 18 and 64 who have demonstrated a willingness to work and study. YCI’s staff provides the following services at various locations within South Florida to eligible program participants:


How Can I Help?

To learn more, volunteer, contribute to the program, or if you are a business wishing to hire a refugee, please email or call 305.643.6730.

Office Locations

Doral Office

Hialeah Office

Boyton Beach Office