Andreina Iniguez, is a 56 years old lady with a solid work history in the area of purchasing and procurement from her native country Venezuela. She came to the United States in the year 2004 hoping to build a better life. However, despite her knowledge and work history in the procurement field, she was unable to land a job opportunity. In addition, her computer skills were outdated. After getting rejected multiple times, she settled for a series of part-time or commission-based jobs in the area of insurance, while she kept applying for jobs in the administrative/purchasing field with no luck. With time, she dedicated to the sale of insurance and retirement plans. One day she realized that 12 years had passed already and she did not have financial stability. She became part of the BACK TO WORK 50+ program. At that point, Andreina’s resume looked inconsistent and with lack of focus conveying experience in two seemly unrelated areas: Insurance and procurement. For that reason, she was being rejected over and over. We coached Andreina and helped her to build a better resume and to promote herself more effectively. We also enrolled her in the BTW50+ computer classes. Once ready, we referred her to different positions. Shortly thereafter her coach submitted her for a Purchasing coordinator position at Seaboard Marine, one of the major cruise lines in the area. She landed the job and started working shortly thereafter. When we called Andreina to get feedback about her experience in the BACK TO WORK 50+ program, she said she was happy. “I have the salary and all the benefits that I was looking for”. She said: “Thank you, you found me THE JOB”.